The library of Jianghan University is geographically in the heart of the campus. Covering a gross floor area of 30,850 square meters, it has 26 reading rooms with a total of 3,770 seats. By December of 2016, the library has a total collection of over 6.58 million volumes including more than 2.21 million books, 4.37 million e-books and periodicals. Among the 89 staff in the library, there are 3 research librarians and 33 associate research librarians. Armed with a reader service center, information service and support center, general affairs office and other sectors, the library integrates the function of document resource editing, circulation, reading, database construction and information service. The library has joined the “China Academic Library & Information System (CALIS)” to realize the co-construction and sharing of data resources of university libraries throughout the country.
